In this tutorial, we will walk you through the process of setting up a Certificate Authority (CA) hierarchy using CFSSL (CloudFlare's PKI and TLS toolkit). A CA hierarchy is essential for secure communication on the web, as it allows you to issue and manage digital certificates for various purposes. In this example, we'll create a root CA, an intermediate CA, and a server certificate for a website.


Step 1: Create Directories

Let's start by creating the necessary directory structure:

mkdir root intermediate server

cd root


Step 2: Configure the Root CA

Edit the ca_csr.json file for the Root CA with the following content:

vim ca_csr.json
  "CN": "Example CA",
  "key": {
    "algo": "rsa",
    "size": 2048
  "names": [
      "C": "AM",
      "L": "Yerevan",
      "O": "Thalamus",
      "OU": "IT",
      "ST": "Yerevan"


Step 3: Configure the Root CA

Create the ca-config.json file for the Root CA:

vim ca-config.json
  "signing": {
    "default": {
      "expiry": "8760h"
    "profiles": {
      "intermediate_ca": {
        "usages": [
            "digital signature",
            "key encipherment",
            "cert sign",
            "crl sign",
            "server auth",
            "client auth"
        "expiry": "8760h",
        "ca_constraint": {
            "is_ca": true,
            "max_path_len": 0,
            "max_path_len_zero": true
      "peer": {
        "usages": [
            "digital signature",
            "key encipherment",
            "client auth",
            "server auth"
        "expiry": "8760h"
      "server": {
        "usages": [
          "digital signature",
          "key encipherment",
          "server auth"
        "expiry": "8760h"
      "client": {
        "usages": [
          "digital signature",
          "key encipherment",
          "client auth"
        "expiry": "8760h"


Step 4: Generate the Root CA Certificate

Generate the Root CA certificate and key:

cfssl gencert -initca ca_csr.json | cfssljson -bare ca -


Step 5: Configure the Intermediate CA

Move to the intermediate directory and create the intermediate.json file:

cd ../intermediate/
vim intermediate.json


  "CN": "Example Intermediate CA",
  "key": {
    "algo": "rsa",
    "size": 2048
  "names": [
      "C": "AM",
      "L": "Yerevan",
      "O": "Thalamus",
      "OU": "IT",
      "ST": "Yerevan"
  "ca": {
    "expiry": "42720h"


Step 6: Generate the Intermediate CA Certificate

Generate the Intermediate CA certificate and key:

cfssl gencert -initca intermediate.json | cfssljson -bare intermediate_ca
cfssl sign -ca ../root/ca.pem -ca-key ../root/ca-key.pem -config ../root/ca-config.json -profile intermediate_ca intermediate_ca.csr | cfssljson -bare intermediate_ca


Step 7: Configure the Server Certificate

Navigate to the server directory and create the example.json file for the server certificate:

cd server/
vim example.json


  "CN": "",
  "key": {
    "algo": "rsa",
    "size": 2048
  "names": [
    "C": "AM",
    "L": "Yerevan",
    "O": "Thalamus",
    "OU": "IT",
    "ST": "Yerevan"
  "hosts": [
] }


Step 8: Generate the Server Certificate

Generate the server certificate:

cfssl gencert -ca ../intermediate/intermediate_ca.pem -ca-key ../intermediate/intermediate_ca-key.pem -config ../root/ca-config.json -profile=server example.json | cfssljson -bare example


Step 9: Install the Root CA Certificate

Install the Root CA certificate system-wide:

sudo cp ca.pem /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/example.crt
sudo update-ca-certificates --fresh


You have now successfully set up a CA hierarchy with CFSSL, allowing you to issue and manage certificates for secure communication.

The server certificate for is ready for use. Make sure to replace the domain and other details as needed for your specific use case.



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